It’s Not Enough To Learn The Lesson

The failure of my crowdfunding campaign helped me understand that I was missing a key element and that was connection with my community. For the past few weeks I have been pouring over books on marketing, planning my social media posts, reviewing data, honing in on my demographics pain points and solutions, focussing on the value I offer and tweaking where necessary.

At times my brain was buzzing, but to my surprise I was enjoying the process and little by little I gained clarity on how to effectively communicate my message—my story and the transformation. Taking action boosted my confidence and I am excited to share some of the changes to my brand.

Actually it’s more refining my message because the colors and logo will remain the same. I’ve decided to no longer offer empowerment coaching and I will only be offering Akashic Readings. This will now include present and past life healing whereas I was just offering ancestral healing. In the sessions I will incorporate my coaching skills and provide techniques on how to manage emotions in a healthy way.

My new mission statement is: I help women get unstuck from repeated patterns that hinder their paths progress. I am still contemplating on a tagline.

Last but not least, I am embodying the title: Priestess. I had been resisting this for sometime because of deeply rooted fears from this lifetime and countless traumatic past lives. But I can no longer deny that’s who I am—a Priestess.

Last year I went on a 6-week spiritual pilgrimage to England and retraced my successful past life as a Priestess and I reclaimed that part of me. You can read about it here.

If we haven’t connected on Facebook, I would love to see you there. Every Tuesday I do a Facebook live at 11:00 AM EST. Recent topics included:

I’ll keep you posted on the progress and if you have any comments or feedback, I would love to hear from you.