Do You Trust Yourself?

Sometimes we make a decision and deep down we know that it is right for us, but the EGO will hound us with guilt, fears and doubts.

When we flip flop and second guess ourselves, we lose our power. It can almost feel like a power struggle between you and your EGO. 

But you don’t need to listen to your EGO, you can stop and inquire:

  • Why are you having a hard time trusting yourself? 
  • Do you feel guilty?
  • Do you want to do the right thing?
  • Are you afraid of making the wrong decision?
  • Are your afraid of making a mistake?

To help you differentiate the voice of your EGO and intuition and apply a simple, but effective technique on how to manage your emotions in a healthy way, I created an online class: How To Talk Back To Your EGO.

In this class you will learn:

  1. The effects of suppressing our emotions.
  2. To reconnect with your feminine power.
  3. To shine light on your triggers.
  4. The EGO is sometimes in charge.
  5. To identify your dominant Archetype when you’re not resonating in your feminine power.
  6. To understand the low-level emotions.
  7. To walk yourself up to empowerment.

Here is the link to the class:

And though this class is intended for women, I want to acknowledge the men in my community—the teachings are just as applicable.

Our fears can seem real, I get, but their your feelings and as much we’d like to avoid them, they don’t magically go away. I teach more in-depth about the effects of suppressing our emotions in the class:

When you talk back to your EGO, you honor your feelings and you tell yourself the truth. You reclaim your power, which is always in the present moment and you’re taking responsibility for how you show up in your life—in fear or love?

I want to hear from you

Do you have a hard time trusting yourself?

Are you afraid to make the wrong decision?

Have you wondered why you know what to do, but cannot seem to follow through?

Do you want to do the right thing because you’re afraid of the outcome e.g. hurting someone, change, unknown etc.?