For Every Ending There Is Always A New Beginning

After 2 days of travelling with a 6-hour layover in Toronto and a 12-hour layover in Dublin I finally landed at Newquay airport in Cornwall. I was tired, hungry and cold, the temperatures were below seasonal and I had plans of taking a warm shower and curling up in bed.

But those plans were not meant to be…

As I watched the other passengers collect their baggage and mine was nowhere in sight, my heart sunk. After I briefly stared at the conveyor belt in hopes that it would magically appear I then turned to one of the airport employees nearby and told her that my baggage did not arrive.

She then led me through the small airport and to a desk in which she assured me that the agent would take care of me. Except, I had a difficult time trusting that I would be when he thoroughly asked me questions I doubted his competence because I wondered the reason he was taking so long.

Admittedly I wanted to cry, turn around and get on an airplane and return home.

Giving up is not an option

I recognized that my wounded self was taking over and wanted to be in control because she was afraid of these life-altering changes. It’s been a long and arduous journey to get here, not only literally but also figuratively.

After I concluded that it was late and there most likely wouldn’t be a return flight until the following morning and I would most likely sleep in the airport, I surveyed my surroundings.

I noticed the agent’s supervisor assisting him then I shifted my gaze and looked out the large windows past the small lounge/restaurant area. The night sky was a deep indigo as the wind blew almost forcefully through a lone palm tree.

I took in its strength and stability regardless of outer circumstances and experienced calmness.

Your point of power is in the present moment

Though I felt more grounded, my patience continued to be tested. The agents were still figuring out where my baggage was via their computer system and a call to the Dublin Airport.

Equipped with a baggage claim report, my carryon and purse I still had another 45-minute ride to travel to St. Ives. Though I was ready to leave there were no taxi’s available! The approximate wait time was 20 minutes.

By then I had an inner resolve that though this is not the smooth sailing I anticipated, it was my current reality.

The issue is never the real issue

I knew that if I obsessed over the inconvenience of not having my baggage I would remain stuck and it would distract me from being in the middle phase of a transition.

It’s the uncomfortable lull in which you can’t go back nor can you move forwards. Metaphorically it’s a period of gestation that precedes a re-birth.

Leaning into the discomfort

Gratitude. I had a lot to be grateful for. I arrived safely at my destination. I was also grateful that the woman who rented the studio where I’m staying not only greeted me, she gave me a comforting hug as well as some toiletries and pajamas.

Surrender. I let go of fears, anxieties and worries by giving my wounded self a voice via numerous dialogues until I felt at peace. I also sat in stillness by the ocean and wandered around aimlessly to ground myself in the present moment.

Patience. The more I expressed gratitude and surrendered, the more I became patient with the process. I began to believe and visualize in my minds eye that my baggage was on its way.

Ask for help. I prayed to God and to Archangel Michael and I was guided to ask my best friend who works in the travel industry to contact the airline. Not only did I feel relief that I didn’t have to solve this on my own, I felt confident that my luggage would be delivered to me sooner than later.

And it was, my luggage was delivered to me the following day! Though I was inconvenienced for 5 days, I learned to adapt and now I can move forward. I’m certain that many more lessons await me on my journey and in the next blog I will write about St. Ives.

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